
TransforMap is an informal group of people, working towards mapping all alternative initiatives that have been/are beeing created in order to meet the need of people, not for profit.

The following explanation is taken from an unpublished abstract.

Crowd-mapping Alternative Economies : The case of TransforMap

While venture capitalists are rushing to find business models allowing the appropriation of vast chunks of "idle capital" calling it the sharing revolution, an older and more complex transformation of the socio-economic system is at work with the emergence of alternative economies - this include among others:

> *sharing, collaborative, commons, social and solidarity, transition, peer-to-peer, permaculture...*

However, these alternatives are largely unaccounted for due to their lack of visibility. Indeed, how to keep track of the mushrooming of social innovations and alternative economic models when those often operate outside the market or conventional institutions?

We present the TransforMap initiative and its vision of crowd-mapping alternative economies and local social innovations. As a network of networks, TransforMap is developing an open taxonomy for OpenStreetMap as well as an open source and interoperable infrastructure for the aggregation of hundreds of existing maps in order to increase the visibility and accessibility of alternative economies.

We critically evaluate the current process against its normative goals and its ambition to become a standard among the relevant communities of practice. We propose further developments of the collaborative process to generate an ontology for alternative economies that truly reects the distributed and dynamic nature of the socio-ecological transformation it attempts to describe.

The main contribution of TransforMap is to explore how the internet as a distributed platform may facilitate a cartographic and selfrflexive process by the communities of practices that are transforming socio-economic systems.